Jenna Julianne Sprouse is serving a mission in Las Vegas Nevada from December 2010 until June of 2012. As Jenna cannot post on Blogs or Facebook while serving, this blog will be updated with pictures and letters she writes home. Jenna left us with her favorite scripture passage: "Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away,even unto boasting in my God." Alma 26:35

Monday, December 19, 2011
So Fallon is amazing!!!! We had a Christmas Luncheon/Training in Reno last week with all the missionaries up north! So fun! I got to drive for 1 hour strait!!!! :) Reno seems awesome too~ After the training all morning we had lunch! Then, President Black surprised us and we got to watch the new LDS movie called "17 Miracles." It’s a movie about the pioneers crossing the west. Very cool movie, and it made everyone ball!
We toured a dairy farm last Monday for our p-day activity! There are 22 dairies in Fallon. Everyone is so kind here! It’s amazing! It totally feels like serving in Wisconsin. Everyone LOVES us, it’s so touching! I can already tell it will be so hard to leave this area! :( noooo!!!! I love them!!!!!
Two weeks ago we had 4 appointments, and this past week we had 14! Next week we already have 14 lessons set up! :) So the work is growing! Every day we are out in the cold working our hardest. There are so many people to teach, and we are finding them with the help of the lord!
Sister Badger is awesome!!!! We are SO alike it’s not even funny! :) She is so amazing and her mom is into the health world as well! We have lots of fun together, and work so well together. Fallon better watch out! ;)
Last Saturday Jackie was baptized in Vegas. I bet her baptism was amazing!! She is amazing! I still remember feeling famished and exhausted and dehydrated one Sunday afternoon and walking outside with sister Dillistone to get more water from the car. Just then, Jackie pulled up in her SUV alongside us and asked, "what denomination is this?" We started teaching her that week, and she ate up the gospel and loved it. What a special woman she is. I love her~!
Sister Badger and I have been impressed to start a Book of Mormon Reading Class! It will be every Thursday at 7pm. We will teach Recent Converts, Investigators, and anyone really, how to read the book of Mormon and understand it, and how to apply it to our lives! The Book of Mormon class will be taught, simply, and powerfully! WE CANT WAIT!!!! The Book of Mormon is just PACKED full of commandments and epic stories that so apply to our lives today! ITS main purpose it to lead us to Christ.
I've started a Miracles/Gratitude book. I started listing why I was thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints is just amazing. This church just provides SO MUCH for us!! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He didn't just care about those living in the olden days to perform miracles for them, and send them prophets to lead them. Wouldn't you agree that at a time like this in the world, being the last days, that God would send his people a prophet and provide for them more witnesses of his second coming? God loves us just as he loved the tribes of Israel. His ways of working and telling the world his commandments is through his prophets and apostles. Through his very own priesthood power and through revelation. How grateful I AM!!!
Here is what the happy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides for us: The Book of Mormon; Another Testament of Jesus Christ, God's priesthood power to bless and heal the earth, The Atonement of Jesus Christ (his suffering for us), the Bible, Churches across the earth teaching the same doctrine in almost every country, Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, Temples, Temple Marriages so we can be sealed to our families for eternity, Church classes for all ages; Young Woman’s, Young Men’s, Relief Society, Elders Quorum. We have the Sacrament, a living Prophet, 12 Apostles and General Conference twice a year where we hear their words. We have Home teaching, Visiting Teaching, where sisters visit sisters and care and love for them, and where men of the church go two by two to visit the families within each ward. We have over 52,000 missionaries serving across the world where their call to serve is direct revelation from the lord given to an apostle. The mission field, run by God himself through mission presidents...the Missionaries working by the spirit 100% of the time. Priesthood Blessings, Patriarchal Blessings (a one time blessing given to us as our own personal guide for our eternal life).
Area 70's who travel all parts of the earth to teach and preach. The church is one of the largest Emergency Preparedness groups, packaging relief boxes year round. The church has a welfare system where members give money to provide for others in need. We talk of Christ; we celebrate the life of Christ. We look for his coming! There is no paid ministry in the church of Jesus Christ. We give all we can because we are so blessed. This church is the church of Jesus Christ and He is the head of it. I bear his name on my chest and I am a personal whiteness that he lives and loves us.
The Book of Mormon has hundreds of stories about thousands of individuals who gave up everything to join the gospel, even if their lives depended on it. Missionaries in the Book of Mormon gave up their rights to the kingdom, and everything they owned to help convert those who did not believe in Christ. Missionaries today, give up everything they have to serve God and love it. In the 1800's missionaries where sent to proclaim the truth of the gospel across the world.
Pioneers headed the message and saved all they had to get to America, where they met the early saints and then trekked across the freezing west to establish Zion, many froze to death. Why would all of these special saints give up everything they had to join the gospel and to give until their last breath? Because it is true. Nowhere else in history can you stand in complete awe as you hear of those, who fought for freedom and for Christianity.
I bear my witness that I know this church is true. It will continue to flood the earth and the hearts of many will turn to learn of God's complete and everlasting gospel. It is so true. The truth of it burns within my heart. I've prayed to know if it is true. I left for my mission with .87 cents left in my personal account. I paid all I could for my mission. My mission means everything to me. I press on and will keep going on. I will live for Christ, fight for Christ, and even die for Christ. I Promise you God loves you, and I pray for you to be 100% fully converted to the Gospel! We truly get all as we give all! How indebted we are to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Catch the Spirit that floods the earth. As missionaries, we don’t convert anyone! It’s the spirit! If you want to know if the Book of Mormon is True, or if anything is true, you must (James 1:5-6), ask God. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. :) "
Every Sacrifice is Worth Building the Kingdom of God.
Monday, December 5, 2011
"Well I am here in FALLON!!! Wow, what a crazy little city!Population 5000! (3000 are Mormon) 41 churches & 42 casinos.The area that we cover in the city is beat down and run down.It’s called "the dump of Fallon." So much happiness needs toenter Fallon, and its going to have to begin within the hearts ofthe people. My companion is Sister Badger! She is so cool and hasbeen out for 3 months! :) We are having fun. The people in ourarea are stubborn and depressed ...suicidal.... We have no solidinvestigators, but we are working with 2 Recent Converts (who gotbaptized two weeks ago! Yay!!!), and a whole ton of lessactives....But I KNOW there are people here to find andteach!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This area needs work. We live in a duplex, so it’s bigger then I am used to! It’snice! It was also built in the 1940s lol (carpeting, tile,cupboard draws). No cockroaches yet! Yay! I've been cleaning andcleaning. My first night I thoroughly cleaned our bedroom, andhave picked a new room to clean since! In our bedroom thewindowsills had 1/2- 1 cm of dust on them...dirt everywhere, anddust lined every inch of the carpeting against the wall (Nevada).There was mold in the bathroom all over the shower and on theceiling, and every kitchen cabinet had mold in it too. Theapartment had lots of happy pictures of Christ, but with the dustand for whatever other reason, the air was a little sad.
Wedefinitely live in a poor area of town....Sister Badger told methat Satan has been working a ton on the missionaries...becausethis area has so much potential, but if there no work progresses! TIME TO MAKE FALLON HAPPPPPYYY!!!!! Time to tell them there isreason to REJOICE! And if they don’t want us to enter theirhouses, we will bless them as we turn to find another family.Change will take place here, I know it! I have a happy heart. Iam so excited to love the ward members, to love each person wecontact...and to conquer Satan! Phew! Here we Gooooo! One thing I am supppper appreciative of is being able tounderstand people. It’s only through the spirit that we cantruly ask the right questions to gain our investigators trust andlove, so they can open up. Before they open up, we have to. I amso LOVING giving my heart away and motivating people!! I loveit!! My life goal is to be a leader for life! I love people and Ilove encouraging them! Everyone matters! GO YOU! So, back tounderstanding those we teach...I've heard so MANY personalstories. So many people’s personal problems and deep soulquestions. I've listened to so many fears. Felt everyone’s painto one extent. The only person who entirely knows us is JesusChrist. He is amazing! He truly knows just HOW we feel! I feel sohonored to have truly come to know so many feelings in life. Missions are so special. It’s a special opportunity to learn. Idon’t just walk past a person on the street and think, "Theyare dumb looking!" rather, my heart is full to the brim with loveand compassion. I ask myself, "What might this person need? Whatare they going through? How can I help them? They matter so much.I am here to help you. I am here to tell you about your SaviorJesus Christ." ln Relief Society last Sunday, the sister giving the lesson was aschool teacher. We were talking about the trials we face in life.She said, "3 of my students have committed suicide this pastyear. I have no idea what might be running through their head toeven do something like that!!" My heart leapt when I heard this!Because I DO know what is running through their head! I had aspecial connection with her comment, because I've truly sat andlistened to so many of our past investigators across Las Vegaswho had suicidal pasts.
My heart still holds their pain, my handsalways willing to extend towards them to love them. Everyoneneeds uplifting. I love everyone I've been able to meet! I loveeee talking aboutJesus Christ! It is why I am so happy! We talk of Christ eachday!!! To those who make mistakes, who suffer, who never haveknown joy; To those who have never experienced faith, or known ofHope... Here is JESUS CHRIST. He doesn’t stand with just onearm open, he stands with two! We are engraved upon his hands. Weare in HIS heart; we are always in his MIND.
He walks each pathof eternity with US in mind. His every move is caring, and isrolling forth the progression of Heaven. I am so excited to bear his name in this city. Many hearts needto be warmed. Many minds need to be intrigued by the gospel ofJesus Christ. Let the journey begin... Fallon is sooo amazing though!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We live RIGHT in theheart of the oldest part of the area....the downtown! The mainstreet is lined with flags and Christmas lights...the downtownlooks like Eagle River! Just run down a bit. This whole area isdiverse. Fallon has an annual rodeo, county fair, there is aMARSH here!! What the??, a racecar speedway, and many otherthings. Our area has a NAVAL base, and an INDIAN RESORVATION. Wehave two family wards, and our area is huge! Like 15-20 mileswide at one point! For the past year I’ve been stuck in small areas...2x3 miles atthe largest! So it’s SO fun to drive through the country!
Thisis farming country; they grow barley and wheat, alfalfa and corn!They have OAK trees here!!!! It’s like being in Wisconsin...alittle! Its so fun going to the naval base...I feel cool! And the IndianReservation is sweet! However, the people aren’t too friendlyto us, because we are white. There are Native American members inthe church! It’s so fun to visit them! All of these farmers andNA (Native Americans), live in small houses out in the countrywith a ton of land, chickens, cows, horses, dogs, a million and ahalf cats, and ducks, and’s so FUN! And even thoughthe people don’t have a lot of money, they give us SO much.I've never felt such Immediate LOVE! They give and give’s so special. They all have so many special storiesthat they share with us, about past missionaries serving them!
I keep asking the Native Americans If I look Native American!!(Because I AM!!! YAY!!!!), one sweet member last night said, asshe pointed and squinted at my face, "Yes, Yes...From the norththough...Canada." I said "YES!!! Wisconsin!" and she said "Yes,because the northerners have lighter skin...You are a pale face!"and she burst out laughing. I did too, because I didn’t knowwhat else to do! :) I love being Native American. When we go tothe Reservation for the Shoshone and Pauite tribes, I pray thatmy native tongue will be loosed. Ha! :)
The ward members are AMAZING!!!!!!! Both the 5th and 6th wards!!!It’s so fun just becoming part of their families! On my firstnight we had dinner with a family and they had all theirrelatives in town. I took the pan of homemade roles and cut themand served everyone. They all laughed! Hey, we are all family! :)Having immediate love for those you serve is KEY. The Lord needsus right away! The Lord needs YOU right away! The first few days in Fallon.... I was a little worried. But, letme tell you of an experience that changed my perspective aboutFallon, for LIFE! Friday night they had a Christmas tree lighting Ceremony .15miles from our house. They have a huge Christmas tree in theheart of the downtown on Main Street! We went and it was SOFUN!!!!!!!!! We kept running into members, and there was a happyspirit in the air!!! Everyone was bundled up because it wasFREEZING COLD!!! Everyone was happy! So it made me happy knowingthere ARE happy citizens of Fallon! :)
People were selling hotchocolate..There was a school choir singing on a set of bleachersnext to the tree, and anyone could join! The fire department hadFREE cookies!!!!!!!!! Along the sides of the streets they had acraft fair! People milled in and out of the smallstores...Hundreds of Fallonites gathered around the tree and wehad a countdown for the lighting at exactly 6PM! And when theytree lit up, everyone clapped!
On each of the light poles on Main Street there are lights andthey also have Christmas lights draped and zigzagged all acrossthe street for a mile! Each of those light poles had a black boxattached to the top that made SNOW! So when the lights on theChristmas tree were lit, all of the black boxes started to cranksnow flakes, and I promise you, this whole scene should have beenin a movie!! Sister Badger and I took a picture together by thetree, and visited a cowboy shop and found a family to teach! :)
Cowboys kept coming in with their hats on....looking for newsaddles/ horse hitches etc...And there was FREE chili andchocolates! Jewelers were making jewelry....Man, FALLON IS FULLOF SUPRIZES!!!! Aren't you just LOVING Fallon too??? On Saturday at the small fair grounds, they had another Christmasparty!!! We paid our entry with canned food items! The LDS churchhosted a cake walk. Inside the building there was another craftfair. Outside there was a live band singing Christmas music!!!There were 2 fire pits and people were roasting marshmallows!!!They were using broken pallets to keep the fire burning! HAHA! Isaid, "That’s hick! Oh well, THIS CITY IS AWESOME!" There was aChristmas tree decorating we toured about 40 trees.The whole evening was awesome as well. ANDDDD my soul hasliterally been crushed, because I have not seen a Hispanic personin 1 week! BUTTT a Mormon Hispanic, BIG family came up to us andpointed at our name tags! My soul rejoiced as I tried talkingwith them! :) We have just been so busy. We are going through area booksvisiting part member families. We are trying to find more peopleto teach. They will come, and I will write about them next week. STAY BUSY and WARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My body LOVES thisweather! 15-40 degrees!!! YAY! I feel normal! I feel great! :)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Would you like current letters sent to you?
We organized an email list that I send Jenna's letters to each week. If you would like to receive these, please let me know! Enjoy your day!
Monday, November 21, 2011
The past few weeks have been crazy!!!!!!!! I’m not even kidding you, crazy! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! Let us give thanks to our Savior forever!!!!!!!!!
Every day is a crazy day in Vegas. It’s hard for my letters to be 100% spiritual, because our days are so random!!! Every day is epic...epically hilarious moments, epic spiritual lessons...EPIC EVERYTHING!!! And I am epically TIRED!
We have had 4 more investigators sent to us by Heavenly Father this week!!! THIS MAKES 20 Investigators!!!!!!!!!!!! Heavenly Father is crazy! This is sooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! In my last area we had TOPS 4-5 investigators. My mind is blown away by the Trust Heavenly Father has for us! This is Big! This is HUGE!!!!!!!! This is SO much WORK!!!!! It’s amazing though! Missionary work is COMPLETELY led by his holy spirit!!!!!!! With our every action and thought...we listen for the spirit and follow its promptings!!
I am sending pictures, so my words this week are few. This week, we pulled up in a new hood we found in our area to contact a referral, and across the street the door was open to someone’s shanty house, and they were making meth, and on the contrast, we had a beeeaautiful baptism on Saturday!!! There’s no greater feeling then helping someone become clean. The man who was baptized is so awesome and when he was getting the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday, in his blessing it said he would serve a mission! AHH! :) It makes me so happy!!! His family was all baptized last year, and so they each came up to us and looked us in the eye and thanked us. "Thank you for everything you have done for my brother." .... really though, it’s all Heavenly Father! We barely did a thing.
We had 8 investigators at church :) Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love love love!!! Next weeks letter will be so bomb! I promise!! Tell 10 people in person WHY you are thankful for them!
I am thankful for LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Nov. 28 2011Everyone! I am being transferred to Fallon, Nevada!!!! Probably for my last 7 months too! We shall see! 8 transfers down, only 4 more to go! I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving!!! My heart is so full. I can't even explain it. These past 6 months in this area has been EPIC. As I looked Bishop in the eyes on my last Sunday, he was crying. He said "I don’t want to see you go. You have no idea how much you have done for this ward." I told him "Bishop, it’s been the best 6 months of my entire life!!!" Family, I can’t explain it to you. My heart is so strong. It is so filled with love. I've never experienced anything like this before. I've never worked so hard for anyone. Each person we teach (which is sooo many!!! 30+), I love them! I have sacrificed for them! I have tried to serve them to the fullest I could! We pray for them, and encourage them along their path... WE love them. Along the 6 months investigators have come and come...more and more we have taught! Heavenly Father has sent them flocking!
Our little herd has grown and flourished into a beautiful flock, grazing in green pasture in the sun. Before we (Heavenly Father, Sister Dillistone, and I), have helped them enter this green pasture, we have tried to be there every stormy step of the way towards this green pasture. Our family (investigators) is now feeling peace! They are basking in the sun of the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you, passing through the storms with them to get to this point has been hard. I know I've written about how unbelievably HARD the past few months have been....and I feel this past week, saying goodbye to everyone, I have had the chance to graze in this peaceful pasture alongside them! What a breathtaking moment. A moment of true never ending peace.
I never knew my personality, my hope and love for the people made such a big difference. Most importantly, I haven’t done anything at all’s all been Heavenly Father. So I sit here writing, about people I really never had the time to write a ton about! That’s I’ll try to make more time. Sister Dillistone and I had a tiring week. We had to crash in the beginning and take a nap.... we had 2 non-proselyting days...(PDAY and THANKSGIVING), and we stilllll got 23 lessons!!!!! What a blessing!!!!!!!! We also accomplished our goal of shooting for 100 lessons for the transfer! yippppie!!!! We are leading our whole zone in lessons, and are area is the busiest in the mission. WHY do I have to go?? OH well, I am truly verrry excited to go to Fallon!
Because there are more people for me to LOVE!!!! To find! To sacrifice for!! My understanding of missionary work gets more complete and complete with each transfer...especially when you move. Everyone HATED saying goodbye to me this week! It was so sad. I will write of what they have said/done for me...not that I am anyone special...its just Heavenly Fathers spirit they must feel....A Brother came up to me crying 3 Sundays ago at church. He is the Gospel Principles teacher that teaches the class all of our investigators, recent converts and less actives. He said, “I won’t be here in 3 weeks, and I just KNOW you will be transferred." He looking down and then back up and said "Your spirit will be missed. You bring such a light into a room.
You emulate Heavenly Fathers love. I will miss you. I don’t want you to go." A less active Sister we have helped re-activate just balled last Sunday. And yesterday when I asked her to please sign my transfer journal, she couldn’t even write in it she said, because she couldn’t see through her tears.... She is someone I love! I can just go and sit on her lap and hug her! I did it at the end of Relief Society 3 weeks ago, it was so funny! I said" Sistttter!!! Can I sit on your lap??“ and she said "certainly!!" So I sat on her lap, like I do my moms, and I squeezed her and just felt her soft skin against my cheek. Some of the woman looked a little confused. They don’t understand the REAL relationship I have with all those we teach. It’s True love. Its Christ’s love. A couple from Africa said “NOOOO sister!! Why do you have to go? You can’t leaveeee us???" We spent Saturday morning with them. We shared an aweeesome Book of Mormon story and in the closing prayer the guy said "We tank dee Heavenly Father for sending us the sister missionaries.
(Ugh I am crying now...all the time spent bearing their burdens is SO worth it!!!), we thank they for them bringing us to you. To see the light and the truth. We thank dee for Sister Sprouse. Please bless her in Fallon that she will be kept safe, and will be led to many other families to help teach the gospel. We are thankful for her. Please bless Sister Dillingstone and Sprouse, with a peace of mind, knowing that they have done their best at brining us closer to you. We know you are the way, the truth and the life. And we thank dee for all of our many blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." :( The finally came to church on my last Sunday and LOVED IT!!!!!! Everyone loves them!!!! We sit in the third row from the front with all of our investigators! Good publicity to the ward that they can TRUST us, and then they see WHO our investigators are and come up and say hello! It’s a blessing to have just one investigator.
We have 20! Even though it’s been so hard to help everyone at the same time, my joy is just as great...and its soooo much!!!!!!! Joy x30!! I think missionaries get a little sneak peak of what heaven is like...when people will come up to you and thank you for doing their temple work....Missionary work BRINGS heaven on earth. I’ll be part of it for life!! EVERYONE we said goodbye to didn’t want us to go! They poured their thanks out to us! On Friday, we had 10 lessons set, 6 kept their appointments, and we had 7 on Saturday. 5 on Friday....After I said goodbye, they begged us to come back so they could say goodbye just one more time. "Cant you just stop by again tomorrow?? What time do you leave on Monday??" It was so hard; I had to tell so many no...(No time!!! Still need to pack!!!!). Some are even making us cookies so we will come back. :( MY HEART IS FULL! I feel so happy, so lifted! Missionary work makes SUCH A BIG DIFFERENCE. I NEVER KNEW such joy until this past weekend! My transfer journal is FULL of thankful’s so sweet. My friend and her family of 7...we said goodbye last night.....ugh we were there for 40 minutes...the whole time they were saying they didn’t want me to go! "What? You are leaving?? Why do YOU have to leave? FALLON! Are you for real?
Sister Sprouse, we love you, you can’t leave us. Sister Sprouse you cant go." ....... I will miss their baptism...that is okay. Dillistone will be great at planning it!! They love me. And I love them. Her family wants to be baptized by the New Year to start out fresh! YAY!!!!!!! They also gave me an early Christmas gift!! A less active family who is now at church!!! JOYYY!!! Their 2 children are being baptized Dec 17th!!! They are soo happy!!!! I loveeee them! They are Hispanic!!!! Another black woman who came to church on her own! On Saturday Sister Dillistone and I taught her the 2nd lesson (plan of happiness) the end she started to cry. She looked sincerely at us... "I don’t know why I cry when you come. You bring me so much joy." Her closing prayer- "Please help me to stay in contact with the sisters even after they stop ministering to me..." Afterwards we told her how much we loved her and how great she is doing. Then I explained that sometimes missionaries get moved around, and that I was being moved. "What?" she said with sincere eyes. “You are being moved? Why do you have to go? You are really leaving?"
She is looking forward to her baptism on Dec. 17th. AHH emotional week, but I have stayed strong. (Surprisingly) A new investigator we have her 70’s and has terminal cancer. We have only met her 3 times and the elders have given her a blessing. She is 84 pounds and from New Jersey. She loves life. She cried because she finally feels she has some faith. I hated looking in her eyes and telling her I was being transferred. "Wait, you are leaving?" she made a pouty face and frowned.. I quickly said "NO!! We are going to stay in contact forever! I am going to write you letters!!!!' She hasn’t even been to Fallon....she has just worked all her life. Man, with all of these people I will stay in contact with forever! And I told them all I WOULD!!!!!! Not only our investigators…but the ward members in both wards cant wait to meet my family and for me to visit next summer. A family, who we had dinner with on Friday, gave me an awesome hat with 2 penguins on it, on Sunday, and a scarf and mittens! Another Sister gave me a present too!
And this one family gave us presents and clothes and blankets and food!!!!! The father of the family we live with wrote in my journal "My wife and I spoke the first night you got here and told each other, 'It will be hard to say goodbye.' You are the type of missionary that Mission Presidents, Bishops, and ward members pray for." We went to the Spanish ward last night at 7pm... My friend signed my journal in Spanish! ....I said "donde esta su esposo?" Her boyfriend was at work! She was soo sad to see me go...she frowned and just took my hand and gave me a million hugs..... I sat in the pew and looked back at her. Special moments never to be forgotten. Despues de capilla we went to find her boyfriend! I had to find him! I remember knocking on his door...He is the one who answered and we talked in Spanish! ...We went into CiCi’s pizza and asked for him. It was 9pm. He came and was SOO happy we were there! He asked if we were with his girlfriend and I said No! He was even more joyed. It was only a 2 min visit, but I said to him across the counter how amazing his family is, that I loved them. That whenever they look at the picture I took of their family, they should remember how much the missionaries love them, and how much the Savior does. He said "You’re going to make me cry." I said, you’re such a great man, and you’re making such a difference for your family. Goodbye for now!" He was crying as he looked into my eyes. I haven’t even talked about everyone we taught and said goodbye too! And I am leaving my companion!!!! I love her!! My companion is training after 3 months!!! This is BIG! The prophet and Apostles have introduced a 12 week training program to the field....12 weeks ago. The whole purpose of the program is "train to train"....train a new missionary to become an immediate trainer. So when transfer calls came, president black said, "we are putting this training to the test." Sister Dillistone is the first sister to train to train in this mission.....and only 1 of 5 to do so!! My daughter!!! I am so proud!!! I have 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters now!! (Mission lingo..) My posterity is growing!! So Fallon I will be with Sister Badger to polish her (finish training her)..... She’s been out 3 months and is awesome! She has 20 investigators and a ton of recent converts and less actives to visit.....baptisms to plan…..(we've had 5 baptisms in this area !! YAY!!), and is training. GOOD LUCK DILLISTONE YOU WILL ROCK IT GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Fallon is farming country and there is a naval base and Indian reservations too!! I AM EXCITED!!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU tonight will be busy! Picking up dillli's new comp in 6 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Monday, June 27, 2011
Its been 112 degrees, and very hot. I am so excited for my brother Eric!!! YAY he is going to love his mission!!! Also , I bet you all are excited to see my sister Amy again! :) Yay for adventures! 80% of the People in my area are black or Hispanic! It is very exciting! Sister Dixon and i are working super hard!!! we took a small break during our lunch hour to play Go fish with pass along cards! HAHA.
Its funny, the Spanish elders said that they where biking through their area (which happens to be rough), and they saw police arresting someone or just doing their thing, and the cops looked up at them and waved and shouted "Hi Elders!!!!" Its also very funny, because when the police see the elders biking home at 9:00 they will take out their intercom and say "Go home elders!!! Its almost 9:30 elders!!" And one police man even started to sing "Call to Serve" over his intercom! HA!
There is so much happening in our area. It is so humble and so ready! many of the less active members have unbaptized children, so we are teaching the children, and helping reactivate the whole family at the same time. Its hard, but worth it!
A family of 4 came to church on Sunday and told us they wanted to learn more! we can help with that! I just love being a missionary. We don't convert anyone...the Lord does! He leads and guides us everyday! It is so awesome!
Summer is hard for missionary work in someways...we are waiting for families to come back from Africa and Mexico so we can finish teaching them! :) Sister Dixon and I get along Perfectly!!! Its so wonderful, she knows how to whip out the bold sauce "Is there a reason why you haven't been able to come to church much?" :) We are just trying to help people feel the spirit more. You are so blessed as you read your scriptures, pray, and attend church. I think any religious person would agree to that! :)
If anyone is pondering Eric's safety....He will be great! HE IS AN AMAZING MISSIONARY already! Who doesn't love Eric! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
Just remember to keep your testimony strong!!! The Family we live with has a HUGE nectarine tree ! YUMMY
Be safe and remember we grow so much through our trials! more to come next week!
Love sister Sprouse.
Monday, June 20, 2011
We have 12 Investigators, 2 With baptismal dates, and we are heavily working with at least 13 less active families! I tell you, sisters can get in ANYWHERE! (well mostly.....) Our area is mostly black people and Hispanic people! I got to give a Spanish man a book of Mormon and talk to him in Spanish, and bear my testimony to him! YAYY!!!!!! Each house has a different floor plan, and is unique. (my old area, every house had the same floor plan)... my area has many apartment complexes, a huge trailer park area, it has your regular looking neighborhoods, and no house is bigger then 2?3 the size of mine back home.
My area is like the old school Las Vegas, it is NEVADA! I no longer see the strip, but its okay. I love it so much where I am. Hispanic boys sell cactus's from their rundown fenced in lots (well by saying rundown, a chunk of my area is like that...just dusty, litter, falling apart...poor humble families....). Some woman in my ward , oh, we cover 2 family wards, are stuck in the 70's with poofy hair! Its awesome! The families are GREAT and the church building is right down the road from us.
We are teaching so many people. This area has been dead for a long time as the elders before us just didn't work as hard, so that sucks, but we are really working extremely hard and we work till we drop. One less active woman we went to visit lives in a trailer park area. We walked into her home and she has just been SO sad. Her husband died 4 weeks ago. She is 84 years old. When we where there for just 10 min I put my hands on my lap after throwing them up in the air and I said "Well YOU can be my grandma, because I miss mine!" She laughed and she loves us!! Just everyone is like "ooo we have sisters!!" One of our investigators is 9 years old, so just LOOK at the span of ages we are teaching! They are ALL gods children.!
We are teaching a family from Angola Africa! They are SO awesome, and they will be baptized sometime this September when they get back from a family trip to Africa. They are so nice and their testimonies are so strong! its a mother, and father, and son family . We also had a fellow-shipper come with us, Brother O, and he is so tall, and also from Angola. After the lesson they made us Funji! (fooonggge) Its an African meal and it was SO GOOD! We where also fed by a Filipino family! Look at ALL these neat culture experiences!
One of our investigators is selling all she has just to stay afloat. She has rummage sales each weekend. We went to help her clean up after her rummage sale because she was just so tired. I asked her if she had eaten anything today, and she told us just some lettuce her neighbor gave her! Yikes! So Afterward I asked her if there was a Pizza Hut around and she said YES! And I gave her a $20 gift certificate to Pizza Hut (given to me from my dad). She whipped her hands in the air and said "OHHH I GET TO EAT DINNER TODAY!"
Well more to come. love you all! my comp time is up!!! Today we went hiking at mount Charleston! we hiked up a glacier!!! AHH to tell more next Monday!
Sister Jenna Julianne Sprouse!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I love serving the Lord SO MUCH, I am filled with so much peace as I press forward with Faith.
Thaddeus (our 20 yr old black investigator) has taken out ALL of his piercings and is making GREAT progress!!! The Lord is working on him so much! He has been preaching to the people on the bus stop! He rocks! He even gave me his favorite hat haha! He wants to be baptized one day....James (from Greece), is a body builder, ski shop owner, and got Baptized on Saturday (was awesome!!!)....and we are still trying to meet with all 40 individuals on our visit list! Its just crazy, crazy awesome!!!!!!! AHHH :)
I've taught over 230 official lessons over the past 6 months! Have taught 5 individuals who have been baptized, and we continue to work SO HARD. These past 2 transfers I have given it my every drop of sweat. I have had the best times of my life. It has been so hard to say goodbyes. My favorite memory is Debbie's Baptism. Saying a prayer of comfort before she was baptized , with her in a little room off to the side....walking with her to the font..... watching her be baptized and praise God...and then after she had changed, we went into the blue bathroom and standing behind her, I braiding her long, dark, wet hair as she looked into the mirror and smiled. I loved that precious moment. Can't you just picture it?? Sister Clevenger was to my left side and we all just looked into the mirror and we where just rejoicing! we where so happy! "You did it Debbe!" We said...then walking out with her, and then singing "abide with me, tis even tide," with a beautiful rendition. Perfect moments.... Her baptism was one of the top 3 most spiritual moments of my life.
I had no idea so many people would be sad to see me leave. I love them all so much, and I knew that they loved me. But when I told our recent convert friend, Kathy, That i was being transferred she basically almost cried. Then we told Jamie, who is coming back to church with her children, just looked at me and with the saddest eyes said "you're leaving me?" I told her after I had photographed her family in the park. :) She came in to church a few minutes late, and sat in the back. I just had to sit by HER on my last Sunday at Canyon gate. We walked over there, and she smiled so big and whispered, "I was trying to see if there was enough room by you." I had NO idea she even cared that much about us. Just proves to show EVERYONE needs a smile and a friend.
I bore my testimony to the 150+ young single adults, and also to my family ward. When I bore my testimony to my family ward, it was also one of the top 3 most spiritual experiences of my life. I cannot even recount it, the spirit was running so powerfully through me, I felt as if I where an angel. But I'm not an angel...the spirit is so Holy, and I know every word was coming from God. It was electrifying. I had been praying that my testimony would be powerful and with love. It was. I looked out over the crowd, and you all know how special it is, looking up to the missionaries in your ward... you love them! I have SO many sister missionaries that changed me and I still LOVE them! Well I am just realizing just how much they love us! Its so incredible. I could see all the mothers who are so close to me, crying as I bore my testimony. I shared with them that it IS our purpose to come here and accept Jesus Christ. That if we do not, we are not fulfilling our life. I shared how great the opportunity it is for us to go through trials, and put our faith and trust in God. I was just balling when I said this, and when i told them they where a child of God. I told them God is perfect. He is 100% everything. I raised my hand and put it on one level and I slowly raised the other hand to match the first, as I said we become perfecting in Christ through Having Faith in Jesus Christ, Repenting, Being Baptized, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End. It was such a beautiful moment. I love expressing my testimony with excitement, energy, boldness, and love. It was definitely bold, and beautiful. I am sad I don't remember what I said, but it definitely wasn't me, even though I believed every word! :) : ) It was me! It was my testimony! WE MUST give our lives to Christ!!! Every day. "If miracles have ceased, then faith also hath ceased."
We have seen so many miracles come into so many peoples lives. Debbie was without a job, and now she has 2. A family in our ward has been struggling with many things, and the Father decided to pay his tithing (after being less active for months!! years??!) and he has a job and his wife has a new job also!!! AHH its so amazing.
I just have so many blessings. Missions are so hard core, and so hard. But they must be served. They are the most beautiful things on earth. I am so happy I have made the decision to serve God! It has put the rest of my eternal life in line..... I AM GOING TO SERVE GOD TO THE DAY I DIE. I know life is hard. I have seen Satan literally attacking those we teach, those we see on the street. NOW is the time to be bold and share our testimonies! IF WE DONT, THEN WHO ELSE WILL???? Satan is real and must be contained . The battle of righteousness is real. The fight for Christ is happening. Be bold, be loving, and please I beg of you, do your missionary work. Picture what it would be like to NOT have faith, to NOT have hope. Have you ever felt hopeless? wouldn't you do ANYTHING to have hope in your life? Do you know how to pray? That alone will change someones life...prayer.... You have to share your testimony. You Have to be the hands of Christ. I promise you, you will never regret giving your life to Christ. The path is hard, the journey may seem long, but in the end, our every trial will be worth it. We cannot see Heaven. We cannot recall what it feels like to be in God's presence, but I do know that one day we will look into the eyes of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We will see their eyes, we must be able to see the beauty in them! We must be able to feel joy, and not feel ashamed. Just focus on having an eternal perspective, for life! Ask yourself "Does it have eternal Value?"
It is hard opening your mouth and asking a friend to come to church with you.... but JUST DO IT! Couples here go to strip clubs for dates. There are countless runaways, prostitutes just longing for rescue. How can you not see your blessings and count them? YOU MUST be brave and bold. God has instilled within each of us a spirit to unite us to Christ! Find that spirit, believe in who you are, and be a friend to everyone around you. Do you know what will save you when you are down and sad? Christ like People!
Be bold, be believing, and be ever changing to become better. Do not be too hard on yourself if you truly feel you are giving it your all. But if you are giving it your all, make sure you yoke yourselves with Christ. Only that way your burden will be made easy. ONLY through Christ will we gain eternal life. I see so much sadness, so much disgust. There is a world of people caught in a hopeless state. Let us reach out to everyone and bring them to the feet of Jesus.
I boldly testify of the Second coming of Christ. I boldly testify that the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the Lords church restored to the earth with his priesthood power. If you want to learn more about Jesus Christ, and watch movies, and learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ, ask one if it's followers or go to
We where able to Teach a Recent Convert, Bianca. She is amazing and has had such a hard life. our lesson was perfect. We had the best member there to support her, testimonies where shared, comfort given....doctrine taught, personal experiences given. It was just so amazing. I tell you, teaching is the best experience in life! The spirit gives you each word to say, when you are in tune with it, and it is amazing. I look forward to hearing about Eric's miracles. He is amazing. He is such a happy individual and will bring so much peace and happiness and hope into the lives of whom he teaches.
Missionary work provides so many spiritual experiences and eternal friends. One of our recent converts (and my good friend) wrote to me in my journal. "I am seriously so sad you are leaving. Meeting you was definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You have such an amazing spirit. I love hearing your testimony. You have no idea how much of an impact your happiness makes on everyone around you. Even though you are getting transferred we are still going to see each other a million times. When you get home we are going to talk every day. Our friendship is never ending! I love you for forever! You definitely have to call me and update me all the time, plus we must have more random lunch dates. Love, Kathy." Aw she is soo wonderful. I tell you the Spirit is just so amazing, and our Heavenly Father deserves ALL the credit! We are NOTHING, without him! :) Another woman in the ward has adopted me has her new daughter, and one of my best friends out here is Sister Rumel (in her 60s-70s) and she was our last visit yesterday night. My beautiful friend (who eats like I do!) said "Gosh, just what I'm trying to say is, I love you. I will miss you. You are my bud." And she wrote that we are friends just reuniting in this life! I am just so honored to have so many new friends, and the point in sharing with you these things is, not to make myself look good (because I have to change so much), but please just be a friend to EVERYONE around you. Everyone needs a smile and a friend! Only when you are following God will you find and make your new best friends!
Also, most importantly, I have to share with you about how awesome my companion is, Sister Clevenger. She is basically a family member, just born into a different family. She has helped me grown so much this past transfer! she is so amazing. She is so bold, and her faith is so strong. I love her so much and I am so glad that our friendship has grown into a life long fling! We have had the most spiritual experiences of our lives this transfer. We have, TOGETHER, worked our hardest and have given this area our absolute all! We both desire to become better each day, and we are so excited to keep working harder, to raise our goals, and to achieve more for the Lord! It has been AMAZING being her companion. She turns 22 in 2 weeks! I love my new best friend, and am so thankful for her. It has been a fun companionship! We beat each other up , and give each other sass. I will miss her. "
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Monday, June 6, 2011
I love everyone out here! how can I go back!??? this is my home! this is where I sweat with exhaustion, this is where I cry and have been held by angels, this is where God has set me free, this is where my testimony has become so unshaken, this is where my heart lies. In this land, I have felt a glimpse of full joy, i have made new eternal friends. I have brought my lost family to the feet of Jesus. I have help uplift the feeble knee, the worried heart, the lost spirit. I have poured out my testimony to the souls we teach!
I am soo excited for Eric! He has no idea what awaits him! .. I didn't!!!!! It is SO Wonderful being a missionary! SO BEAUTIFUL. Its such an honor. HE IS GOING TO BE AN INCREDIBLE MISSIONARY! The Lord needs those who are willing to work! and boy, if you let him know that, he will put you to hard core work! hehe!
I just have to bear you my testimony. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the fullness of Christ's gospel! It is the Church Christ established when He was alive on the earth. This gospel changes you and makes you want to become better! I can already SEE a difference in Thaddeus..... From the first time we saw him and he yelled out to us, "HEY!! Are you guys the Mormons??" To him bearing his testimony to US just yesterday. He is SO awesome! He was SOO excited when we came to visit and teach him this past week! He kept standing up and saying "this is what I'm talking about!" He is sticking up for Mormons left and right to those who oppose him attending our church. He just pats his chest with his hands and he says "I feel it, I feel it. I want to do better. I know I can do better. I want to learn the Bible, I want to be on the right path! I feel it!" He said to us "I know you guys are gonna be mad at me..but...I got another piercing!" BUT he knows Satan tempts him, and he is trying to stop. Even if its, passing up the joint at the next party. "Step by step" (his words), he is changing and "will change , that maybe one day he can be baptized." The last day we met with him he said, "Ya know I was going to get another tattoo today, but then I remembered our lesson, and I couldn't do it."
HELLO! HEAVENLY FATHER IS AMAZING! It is all his timing!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH
From lesson to lesson...can you not SEE and FEEL how my joy is full? People are accepting Christ, and witnessing that, we feel a portion of God's holy spirit! in abundance! I know that when you put your FULL faith in God, he WILL deliver you. I see His children putting their faith in him, and I see miracles DAILY. Daily people! This is the BEST NEWS EVER! See how close you get to God and Jesus Christ by serving a mission? You get to feel a little of how Christ felt!!!! ;) Our God is a God of miracles!!!!!!!!
We come closer to understanding our savior BY experiencing trials. We put our faith him him, and that is how we feel the prints of his nails... by believing him, and putting our faith and trust in him, and then seeing the miracle. "Having Faith in God, is having faith in his timing." -Gordon B. Hinkley. Keep trusting God and keep going!!!!
I love my beautiful family ward! They are amazing! each woman...i love them all! I got to be the last one to bear my testimony on Sunday, and as I looked over the great crowd, I simply and boldly told them "you are Zion! I look out at you and I see heaven! You are Zion because you have true faith. you sacrifice everything for the lord. There's no doubt in my mind that Heavenly Father would sacrifice his son for you. You are so righteous and he longs to bless you! I promise you, that if you keep putting your faith and trust in him, and as you sacrifice everything you've got to building his kingdom, he will take you and shape you and mold you and your life into something more beautiful you could ever imagine." One sister came up to me after and Said "thank you for your testimony! 'We are Zion'...that's fantastic!!!' Its so of the other mothers who is struggling a lot with things, came up to me and said crying "I wish I could have just half your perkiness!" I said smiling "you can!!!!!!!" :) I just love bearing my testimony and always being happy! I love it! Even with all the trials (you guys get the real scoop lol) , I still just try to be HAPPY!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BEING HAPPY!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Smiling makes a HUGE effect on everyone else around you! I honestly have no Idea if I was this happy before my mission. Probably not..... I AM HAPPY AND JOYFULL!!!!!!!!! and Love to express it! I love my family ward.
Our Heavenly Father is AMAZING! His plan for us is so grand!!!!! This earthly life is just a fragment of our eternal perspective..... I showed Thaddeus 2 weeks ago a pen (a Property Loss Management Pen) , which is all white, except for a black 1 cm space, 1 in down from one end. I said, pointing to that 1 in space. "this is our premortal existence." and then pointing to the small black area "this is our earthly life...." and pointing to the huge white space "this is our eternal existence!!!" He told me this past week..."ever since you told me about the pen and our eternal experience, its helped me to think." ..... I can tell you that our every action matters. If we are not building up the kingdom of God, what are we building?
Last week, we where rushing off to our next appointment. I was driving, had just pulled up to a HUGE intersection, waiting to turn right! There where cars everywhere, tall buildings, the wind was blowing, people running illegally across the street, it was just a busy typical Las Vegas intersection with everyone on the move. And then, I saw this little girl with pig tails who looked like Rosie.. She was walking across the street with her dad right in front of us. I just stared at her, looking through my white sun glasses. I actually wasn't smiling, just was watching her walk past us, my hands where on the wheel, and then just as she was walking out of the bottom right hand corner of EVERYTHING going on at the intersection, this little girl turned and looked at me, smiled, and picked up her hand and waved at me!!!! She waved at me!!!!! Out of all that was going on and moving through my head, that little angel waved at me. I call that a tender mercy! I was soo happy! She didn't even know who I was! She waved her little 7 year old white hand at me. Awww!!!!!!
anyways, today we went Hiking today at Red Rock! Red Rock is actually one of the top 5 hiking destinations of all the United States! :) It was awesome! We hiked Ice Box Canyon...for the last part of the bouldering, I took off my shoes!!! It was so fun (and hard) climbing up and across the steep slopes! It was awesome being barefoot! Gripping the cool rock,.... you can never take your shoes off here lol. NO GRASS! :(
Its funny, everyone has rummage sales out here! I know! Rummage sales!
Well, Got to go! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep being amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be the hands of Christ! "
Monday, May 9, 2011
I have been on my mission for 5 months!!! Hooray! Last week, my companion Sister Walker got transferred to a different area, so now its just me and my lovely comp sister Clevenger! So it was pretty funny last Monday.... in our apartment spending the night we had myself, Sister Clevenger, Sister Walker, Sister Dixon (sister walkers new comp), and a greenie...sister Wodznow! so there where 5 of us!!!!! All in our little 2 car garage home! :) Transfers always bring a surprise... So its funny, because I am already the 3rd oldest sister in the Mission! There are 10 sisters now.... AND guess what? they are upping the numbers to 18!!! So in our mission there will be 18 sisters, 35 Spanish speaking elders, and 142 English elders.... Geez, now I know why my second transfer was so hard. The third transfer I got 2 greenies, and now we will ALL be training forever!!! HAHA! HORRRRAY! BEST NEWS EVER!
I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!! ITS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD! I already burnt my poor white Wisconsin feet on the black top. 2 Days ago it was 95 and soon it will be 120! AHHH So this letter may be kinda short. We will see....
Our family ward is just BOOMING with work! This transfer we will be BUssssy!!!! Its so wonderful being a sister missionary. Everyone loves you! I love all the love we receive! Last week our ward had a ward party ....and it was simply perfect coming to a big party with tons of wonderful awesome families sitting at tables and laughing...It was at our ward mission leaders his backyard! :)
Debbie is doing WONDERFUL!!!!! Whenever we meet with her she happily exclaims "11 days and NO COFFEE!!!!!!" She is so super excited to be baptized!!! As Mormons, we don't want our bodies being addicted and in control of substances like alcohol, and drugs, and even our minds stay free and clear and WE are in control of our bodies! :) So that's why Debbie is so excited..she is giving up coffee to be baptized! We are singing a special musical number at her baptism!
Also We had a Car show and BBQ last Sat at our church! there where 150+ people there! it was awesome! 3 elders and us had a table with movies and pass along cards...we have 2 new investigators! YAY! plus 1 more that came to church last week. I know it sounds like we are being blessed...and WE ARE! But we are also working our butts off, and need to work even harder! I LOVE being a missionary and appreciate it so much...its all for the Lord. This is all for him. He leads and directs us! UG! HE IS SO AWESOME!
I hope you all had a very happy Easter by the way! .. So one of our less actives is a man in his 60s... he is so funny and kind. He has white hard and can't come to church a lot because he is on dialysis....We've been "practicing the lessons" on him, and last lesson he had shaved off his funny white beard! Last week 8 elders and us did service work for him and his wife! they LOVED IT! He is just so much more happy AND YESTERDAY HE CAME TO CHURCH!!!! AHH He looked SO happy and I ran up to him and actually, gave him a hug as he was walking to his car in the parking lot....and said "brother Goodnough!!!! you came to church!!!!' I was SO happy!!! You come to know how your savior feels SO much by serving a mission. Now I have a taste of HIS joy, when WE choose the RIGHT! I want to make my father in heaven happy in all ways!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
We have 14 lessons already for this week, and I am super pumped because this wed we are doing humanitarian work up at Deseret Industries!!!! :) AND this wed I am photographing seniors at Bonaza High School...the ones who cannot afford a photographer! :) Sister Figgins is a school teacher there....she hooked me up! AND a rich photographer from my YSA ward is lending me one of his cameras and lenses for the shoot! AND he said I can keep it until i move out of the area! blessings! :) hopefully i remember how to work a camera! probably...well see! Remember, I had to remind my self I was a photographer 3 months ago...I had forgotten! :)
May 18th we get to go to the temple!!! BLESSINGS!!!!! (that's our p-day and when i will be emailing next) and this Friday we have a leadership training to go to...i am a trainer so yippee skippie that will be fun! :) I LOVEEEE all the people out here and our mission president and his wife ROCK! go on our mission blog and make some comments! (and find me and sister Clevenger!!!) :)
Today we drove up to the north to this flag shop that is in a different hood! I finally purchased a Nevada Flag! Now all my mission brothers and recent converts can sign it! (mission tradition!)
Also we are really going to try street contacting more..its so hard with our small tracting area...but we are trying!
A little about the lessons we have this week.... We are helping to reactivate a Native American Family who is VERY poor but they are SO humble and AWESOME! we are also meeting with a Hawaiian who just moved to Vegas and is coming back to church (she cooked for us on sat and had a party with the YSA's!!! so fun!)....we are helping a girl go to the temple, meeting with waymond and teaching very simply about the atonement MORE, we are meeting with a family that lives down the road from us and hope fully setting the wife with a baptism date, we are teaching a wonderful Muslim woman, we are teaching a couple new investigators, teaching Debbie more and planning her baptism, we are helping someone cope with a divorce....attending a baptism for a young man we taught and passed of to the elders.... and tonight we are helping a 30 year old woman find strength in the gospel after just coming out of jail for the long abuse of prescription drugs! AND we are going to visit someone in a prison ( to get permission first). WOW! didn't know what was going to happen on a mission! YOU DEFINITELY need to be set apart as a missionary to have this calling.. .YOU NEED the lords help.
Sister Jenna Julianne Sprouse!
Monday, April 25, 2011
WOW! Crazy awesome week!!!!! How are YOU??? I was wondering when all these cool mission experiences you hear about would happen to me! It all started with this transfer! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Sister Cockrell and I had a great time, but this transfer we kicked it into HIGH gear!!!!!!!!! Transfer phone calls are this Saturday! I hope I am staying in my area!!!! I LOVE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! The family ward out here is spectacular! They are my favorite families on earth!!!!!!!!! On Easter Sunday I went around at church and just gave so many people hugs and handshakes! It was an AWESOME EASTER! I love my family out here! LOVE THEM! You couldn't ask for a better ward to serve in! They are SO united!!! SO dedicated! I am creating special friendships with each one of them! They love me to, and so many mothers gave me hugs and kisses on the cheek. It wasn't a quick "happy Easter." When I hugged them and they hugged me, it was a deep "thank you for always being there for me...." it went two ways because of the things the families face, we are always there for them! ug ! I LOVE BEING A MISSSSSIONNNARRYYYY! Don't let me die! Don't let me leave! I want to be here in heaven for life!!!!!!!!! WHAT???? Las Vegas = Heaven???? kill me, I never thought I would say that! wow....Here is a little about this week:
Got to go to an appointment in the real hood, close to the happens every now and then. We live 6.7 miles from the strip, so basically, every mile you get closer to the strip, its more ghetto. Real ghetto. I LOVE it! Anyways, its always exciting here in Las Vegas! Its VERY hard core missionaries, we aren't just battling small little tasks and walking from hut to hut.... we are literally lifting people up and helping people battle and face Satan's greatest temptations. You know what I mean. EVERYTHING. I will have more to email about this later as I do a re-cap of this area I have been serving in.....We do live in a safer area btw. It looks just like a friendly neighborhood! :) To bad people come straight home from work and pull into their garages and you never see them! That's why we go tracting in the evenings when people are out.
Time is flying SO fast!!! I'm sorry to continue this, but I just DON'T want my mission to end! Everyone keeps saying to soak it up, because once you are released from this great calling, and they ask you to take your name tag off, you feel different. A mantle is taken off of you. I don't want that to happen. As a LDS missionary you have the Savior even closer to you. His words are always coming through your voice; he always prompts you to go places and to talk to certain people. His holy ghost is more readily available to I cry when I think the day will come that I will no longer bear the name of my savior on my chest (my nametag). Of course, you can and always should be a missionary for life. So that is good!!!!!!
I do love my savior SOOOO much! He is so good to me! I wrote my testimony of my Savior on Easter Morning.!!!! He is risen, he is risen!!!!! I love my savior and I will only do his will. I just wish you could come with me to the lessons I get to be at. I just wish you could see our investigators tears fall from their face as the Holy Ghost is testifying to their hearts the truthfulness of the gospel. Other churches have great truths, but the Church of Jesus Christ has the full truth. It has the priesthood and is run by the Savior through his Prophets and Apostles. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Let me go to the Father now, I am just filled with joy, full of great thanksgiving..... See how a mission changes you? I would have never been this Christ centered if I was just editing pictures in Photoshop. I live for my Savior; I yearn to feel his Spirit, I long to reflect his love. I hope you do to.
Sister Walker: is 25 and is 1 semester away from getting her bachelors in Biology!!! She went to BYU Idaho and is super loving and smart! Its funny training people older then you! :) Sister Walker is number 6 of 10 children! Get this....she DOESN'T"T USE THE MICROWAVE either!!!!!!! We cook together and put cayenne pepper on anything we can lol! We have competitions! She is shorter then me, very sweet, says it like it is, and kicks butt at bearing her testimony. She is so fun!
Sister Clevenger: is almost 22, went to BYU Idaho (even had a class with Emily!) and wants to work with children cancer patients. :) She is soo fun! She is taller then me, dirt bikes, is a tom boy, but has a divine solid testimony of her savior. I thought I wouldn't be so much reminded of Eric out here, but she reminds me of him! Miss you brother!!! I try beating her up...ha-ha ! Pushing her around and wrestling. But she always beats me. Well we haven't wrestled yet. but I know she would take me down. For now I just scare her. ! Not. Anyways we are ALWAYS picking on each other. It’s hilarious!!!!!!!!! We always joke around that Sister Walker is the mom of the trio lol! She has to break up our fights! (JK they aren't fights)’s a fun relationship!!!!
I LOVE my companeros!!!!
We had 14 lessons this week but I KNOW we will have 20 next week!!!!!!!!! (3 people had to reschedule for next week anyways) next week will be busy! We are SO tired though!!! Today we went shopping and I bought fresh bananas, coconut milk, and tp, and distilled water. $3 left!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! We always get so much food though, so we are WELL taken care of. DO NOT send me money! I do not need it! Plus missions teach you how to budget! This is sooo good for me! I am turning into an elder though! ha-ha!!!!! cheap cheap! My elder buddies and I get along so well! I do love to joke know how it is! :) :) gotta have fun! Keep it real! Keep it fresh! You have to be serious, and fun on a mission! :)
I received revelation that the second coming is coming tomorrow. Just kidding. I just want to make sure you are paying attention!
I do need stamps and journals though! If anyone has any extra! :)
AWKWARD hilarious moments: We knocked on the door we thought was our dinner appointment, but 2 new fresh faces and a white dog appeared at the door and so we just acted like we where tracting! ha-ha MY fault! My comps are like "soooo I guess that wasn't our dinner app?? lol!" also we where shopping at the dollar store last Monday and I contacted someone in Spanish!!!! It rocked! But she said "no hablo engles" aka "I don't speak English"... I was speaking Spanish crazy lady! Ha-ha I hope so at least. oh well, heavenly father has blessed me with many friends who speak Espanola out I am practicing! Eric and I will talk in Spanish to each other in front of you mu hahahaaa!! I am keeping all of these stories down in a you will have to borrow them when I get home and read them for a good laugh! :) Another AWKWARD moment, we where teaching a lesson with the elders and the investigator asked if you had to be a virgin to serve a mission...ha-ha! Good thing a church member was with us to answer! :) You have to be worthy...etc. ... so that was hilarious. And the same night we went to make copies of paperwork at a church building and we totally wedding crashed on a reception! We went to hide in the bathroom, and of course, because missions are filled with all those precious, funny, awkward moments, the bride was in there! HA-HA! Missions...gotta serve one!!!! Hilarious, extremely hard, extremely joyful...extremely everything!!!
Debbie is doing excellent! Everyone is actually! The new investigator from our singles ward we had we set with a date!!!!!!!! May 14th! We had to pass him off to the elders in the red rock zone, because that's where he lives! Oh well, it was fun teaching him while it lasted!
There are about 7 church buildings all within 5x5 miles of each other around where I live and 2-3 wards meet at each of them. There's just nothing better then serving a mission! Although they are extremely demanding and put your faith to the test (test you of how much faith you are willing to put in the lord to direct you), they are amazing! We are reactivating an Indian family....(not Muslim- Indian like, regular Indians.....), and its awesome they rock! They said at our last lesson with them that they hadn't felt that good since the missionaries where with them over a year ago! There where many precious tears shed....its amazing how missionaries change your life! They just have a positive influence on you...I've felt that from all the kick awesome missionaries who have served in Wisconsin!!! Its just such an honor to serve a mission. To be the hands of the lord. If we are exactly obedient, the lord uses us to the fullest. Everyone remembers and says "when the missionaries knocked on our door...." or "when the missionaries did this...." It’s so awesome being one of those missionaries and making all these eternal friendships!!!!!!!!!! I hope you read the email I last sent...that one was good.
For Easter we had dinner with a wonderful family and they even had an Easter egg hunt for us! aww!! So fun...
Monday, April 18, 2011
"Okay Okay, I admit.... I drag raced my district leaders!!! haha I just HAD to. Cruzin through LV! Anyways THIS WEEK HAS BEEN INCREDIABLE! I love my mission soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it i love it i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ghetto is so entertaining...I am still in the same area as when I got here! yay! It is AMAZING! Pretty much everywhere you go, it is in the hood, or close to a hood. The very worst parts are by the strip. Which I am kind of far from. 6.7 miles.... the Elders serving there have the funniest and craziest stories! Especially because most of them are on bikes. The black guys on the street corners will ask them who they are. They respond with "We are missionaries!" and they go "missionaries???" and the missionaries go "we are preachers!" and the black guys go "OOOOOH, you are Preachers! You good people, you good people!" that pretty much sums up Las Vegas. Oh and there are random shopping carts everywhere, old men who zoom across the street at night in their scooters, and there are stray cats everywhere!!! That’s how Las Vegas is...well I don’t see too much of the real ghetto. The church members here are AMAZING! They are SO STRONG! Its awesomeeeeee. I can’t wait to bring back anyone who wants to see my mission, after I get home! Of which, when I see a plane I say "NOOO you can’t take me! I’m not leaving!!!!!" Still got 13.5 months! Las Vegas is so crazy. In our family ward boundaries (2x2 mile) we have one of the richest areas of LV, and we also have run down apartments. Both extremes! OH, mother, I get to SKYPE YOU ON MOTHERS DAY!!!! Hooray!!! So if anyone is at my house that day, you get to see me! And I get to see you! Thank you for your cards everyone! :) You all ROCK! It’s so great to get support. (Especially to the west bend relief society!!!!) Sister Walker, Sister Clevenger and I are exactly obedient the best we can be, and we are seeing miracle after miracle. My sister companions work SO HARD! They came PRE TRAINED! I love them so much! We have so much fun together. .... Being in a trio is the best. It’s like having a BIG family! 3 are better then 2! I will be sad if one of them, or I get transferred in 2 weeks! Well we still are having 15-20 lessons and we have 3 set with a baptismal date! We almost have 2 others! This boy came to the singles ward and said he wants to join the church! SCORE! We tract in each 10 minutes we have available! Remember David who got baptized? He is looking GREAT! He just looks so sharp! He came up to me on Sunday to say Hi and to see how things where going! Picture a tall man with trimmed black hair. Soft face. White shirt. Black tie. He looked so respectable and his eyes literally GLOWED! yay for the spirit!!!! Also, the FIRST day on my mission we met with Jamie and taught her the first lesson. She got baptized in Washington on Saturday!!! :) Miracle One: One of our black investigators, Waymond, is 69 and so awesome! He has had a LOT of hold ups...the missionaries have been teaching him for 4-5 years! BUT we have a baptism date set with him for June 4!!! He said the closing prayer to one of our lessons, and he cried. He hadn't said a prayer in more then 30 years....the gospel changes lives! Baptism is such an important covenant, but we prepare people for baptism. It’s a life style change. Miracle Two: Debbie (55), who I explained in my previous letter, has been taught 4 times, attended church twice, come to 2 dinner appointments with us, and even went to a baptism! We basically fellowshipped her the first 2 lessons. By the 3rd lesson she said "I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God!" She is so prepared for this gospel! When we where teaching her the first Lesson (during our 3rd visit) we where explaining the Holy Ghost and how it enters into your bosom and it can be a peaceful, yet burning feeling! She clapped her hands and said "oh gooooooooood!!!! When I was reading the Book of Mormon, I felt this burning feeling come into my chest and so I thought I was having heart burn. So I went and ate some tums, but when I went back to reading, it started again! I couldn't figure out what it was!!!" She was so relaxed when we told her it was the Holy Ghost testifying to her it was true. That’s the only way people become converted in our church. THEY have to act and pray. The Holy Ghost confirms the truth of what we are saying. And it’s super cool, because as missionaries, we TEACH by the spirit. On our 4th visit, after we had taught her about how Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, she said that night she had a dream. It was a dream where this young farm boy, dressed in his Sunday best, went into a grove of trees and started praying. And then this pillar of light came to him.....She had a dream about the FIRST VISION!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! So when we watched the Restoration with her, she was in awe the whole time saying "that’s what I saw! That’s what I saw!!!!!' Heavenly Father has been preparing her to receive this message for a long time! She has a date set for May 7th! (So does a 13 yr old girl named Brianna Adams!) Debbie doesn’t have much money, so I gave her 3 of my skirts to wear at church. She is so wonderful, and she is so sad that one day she won’t be able to be with us missionaries. I told her we where going to be friends, for ETERNITY! SO there are just SOO many miracles happening. Ones I have written above, and ones I have not yet written about. I do know the Lord loves us all, and he certainly guides us in his work! I can testify to you that there is nothing more spiritual then sitting between 2 of your investigators at a baptism. There is nothing more sweet then seeing them be baptized. There is nothing better then waking up at 6:30AM and working your hardest all day for your God, and then crashing to your pillow at night. There is nothing as special, as when a less active member, whispers to you through her tears, 9 o’clock at night, "thank you, for never giving up on me." There is nothing better then sharing the great news about Jesus Christ and his atonement, and there is nothing better then working with the Father minute by minute, hour by hour. I have had the most mentally, physically, and spiritually draining moments of my life then on a mission. But I wouldn't trade this for the world! I am learning SO much, and am gaining a SOLID testimony of everything we teach!!! I love the Savior! I LOVE our Heavenly Father. I have a testimony that if you put every ounce of faith and trust in the Lord, he leads and guides you. When I have felt the most weight on my shoulders, and all I could do was cry, it was at those moments that I have felt Heavens Angles sitting by me on my bed. I know angels are here, and I know they are helping us. They are continually and literally putting their arms around us. I have also experience the most JOY i have ever yet felt in my life! It is a new joy, a wonderful joy. When we have so much success, it is truly amazing to say "Heavenly father you are So amazing! Thank you thank you thank you for this day!!!!" I dream about our investigators and still wake up at 2, 3, and 4am wanting to get going on the day! Looks like Eric starts his mission June 27!? I get home June 27th 2012 so we will be serving for exactly one year together!!!! I am so excited for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is already a fantastic missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So an example of a regular day....this is what our Friday included. We woke up and exercised, ate breakfast, had 2 hours of studies, did a hour of visiting (we have to do that weekly), taught 4 lessons, we tracted 3 doors in our extra 10 min in the blazing heat, we made appointments for this week, called 10 families to see if they needed service, did some service, we testified of the gospel, had a lesson in canyon gate (one of the richest gated community) we uplifted a weary mother, had dinner at a kind of chaotic house in those apartments, i got violated by a hairless cat in heat (haha!), and I wrote 3 letters during lunch, oh and we had a planning meeting from 9:30-10:15PM. I don’t think I had time for a shower that day. I do know why they call it the best two years..... Its because of the eternal friendships we make! They are eternal friendships made by GOD! Pday activity: Our zone went hiking this morning at Red Rock! IT WAS AWESOME! But it was the 2nd hardest hike there!!!! That’s right, these LDS sister missionaries got skills like the elders! We hiked everything they did! It was crazy!!! Red rock is the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we went shopping at Wal-Mart and it’s like we where famous! People always say "Oh look! It’s the sisters!!!!!' Pdays are the happy day’s lol. OH and mom, I have initiated MORMON MYTHBUSTERS to my singles ward out here! We are having it April 25th, with 2-3 other singles wards WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo excited!!! Thanks for your epic idea! Gotta bust these Mormon facts! YES Mormons are Christian. NO Mormons do not practice polygamy. YES Mormons can dance. NO Mormons are guided not to drink coffee. YES the Book of Mormon testifies of Christ, YES Mormons read the Bible YES Mormons are HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAYYY To happy if you ask me! Well, I've written the longest email in my life. The only other thing to tell you that I have left out is that someone got arrested during one of our lessons. The end! HAVE THE BEST WEEK EVER! SISTER SPROUSE"