Monday, June 13, 2011

"So I am getting transferred! Sent to a new area! Sisters just got placed there last transfer, and now I will be the Senior Companion to Sister Dixon (she has been out for 2 or 3 transfers, I have been out for 4). I am going to the Lone Mountain Zone. Its just 10 min north of where I live now. THANK GOODNESS. I did NOT want to leave Las Vegas!!! :( Its so sad, but way super exciting! My suitcases are packed, my transfer journal has been signed, my tears have been shed, and Waymond (our 69 yr old black investigator) is baking me a Farewell Cake! :) Could it not be better??

I love serving the Lord SO MUCH, I am filled with so much peace as I press forward with Faith.
Thaddeus (our 20 yr old black investigator) has taken out ALL of his piercings and is making GREAT progress!!! The Lord is working on him so much! He has been preaching to the people on the bus stop! He rocks! He even gave me his favorite hat haha! He wants to be baptized one day....James (from Greece), is a body builder, ski shop owner, and got Baptized on Saturday (was awesome!!!)....and we are still trying to meet with all 40 individuals on our visit list! Its just crazy, crazy awesome!!!!!!! AHHH :)

I've taught over 230 official lessons over the past 6 months! Have taught 5 individuals who have been baptized, and we continue to work SO HARD. These past 2 transfers I have given it my every drop of sweat. I have had the best times of my life. It has been so hard to say goodbyes. My favorite memory is Debbie's Baptism. Saying a prayer of comfort before she was baptized , with her in a little room off to the side....walking with her to the font..... watching her be baptized and praise God...and then after she had changed, we went into the blue bathroom and standing behind her, I braiding her long, dark, wet hair as she looked into the mirror and smiled. I loved that precious moment. Can't you just picture it?? Sister Clevenger was to my left side and we all just looked into the mirror and we where just rejoicing! we where so happy! "You did it Debbe!" We said...then walking out with her, and then singing "abide with me, tis even tide," with a beautiful rendition. Perfect moments.... Her baptism was one of the top 3 most spiritual moments of my life.

I had no idea so many people would be sad to see me leave. I love them all so much, and I knew that they loved me. But when I told our recent convert friend, Kathy, That i was being transferred she basically almost cried. Then we told Jamie, who is coming back to church with her children, just looked at me and with the saddest eyes said "you're leaving me?" I told her after I had photographed her family in the park. :) She came in to church a few minutes late, and sat in the back. I just had to sit by HER on my last Sunday at Canyon gate. We walked over there, and she smiled so big and whispered, "I was trying to see if there was enough room by you." I had NO idea she even cared that much about us. Just proves to show EVERYONE needs a smile and a friend.

I bore my testimony to the 150+ young single adults, and also to my family ward. When I bore my testimony to my family ward, it was also one of the top 3 most spiritual experiences of my life. I cannot even recount it, the spirit was running so powerfully through me, I felt as if I where an angel. But I'm not an angel...the spirit is so Holy, and I know every word was coming from God. It was electrifying. I had been praying that my testimony would be powerful and with love. It was. I looked out over the crowd, and you all know how special it is, looking up to the missionaries in your ward... you love them! I have SO many sister missionaries that changed me and I still LOVE them! Well I am just realizing just how much they love us! Its so incredible. I could see all the mothers who are so close to me, crying as I bore my testimony. I shared with them that it IS our purpose to come here and accept Jesus Christ. That if we do not, we are not fulfilling our life. I shared how great the opportunity it is for us to go through trials, and put our faith and trust in God. I was just balling when I said this, and when i told them they where a child of God. I told them God is perfect. He is 100% everything. I raised my hand and put it on one level and I slowly raised the other hand to match the first, as I said we become perfecting in Christ through Having Faith in Jesus Christ, Repenting, Being Baptized, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End. It was such a beautiful moment. I love expressing my testimony with excitement, energy, boldness, and love. It was definitely bold, and beautiful. I am sad I don't remember what I said, but it definitely wasn't me, even though I believed every word! :) : ) It was me! It was my testimony! WE MUST give our lives to Christ!!! Every day. "If miracles have ceased, then faith also hath ceased."

We have seen so many miracles come into so many peoples lives. Debbie was without a job, and now she has 2. A family in our ward has been struggling with many things, and the Father decided to pay his tithing (after being less active for months!! years??!) and he has a job and his wife has a new job also!!! AHH its so amazing.

I just have so many blessings. Missions are so hard core, and so hard. But they must be served. They are the most beautiful things on earth. I am so happy I have made the decision to serve God! It has put the rest of my eternal life in line..... I AM GOING TO SERVE GOD TO THE DAY I DIE. I know life is hard. I have seen Satan literally attacking those we teach, those we see on the street. NOW is the time to be bold and share our testimonies! IF WE DONT, THEN WHO ELSE WILL???? Satan is real and must be contained . The battle of righteousness is real. The fight for Christ is happening. Be bold, be loving, and please I beg of you, do your missionary work. Picture what it would be like to NOT have faith, to NOT have hope. Have you ever felt hopeless? wouldn't you do ANYTHING to have hope in your life? Do you know how to pray? That alone will change someones life...prayer.... You have to share your testimony. You Have to be the hands of Christ. I promise you, you will never regret giving your life to Christ. The path is hard, the journey may seem long, but in the end, our every trial will be worth it. We cannot see Heaven. We cannot recall what it feels like to be in God's presence, but I do know that one day we will look into the eyes of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We will see their eyes, we must be able to see the beauty in them! We must be able to feel joy, and not feel ashamed. Just focus on having an eternal perspective, for life! Ask yourself "Does it have eternal Value?"
It is hard opening your mouth and asking a friend to come to church with you.... but JUST DO IT! Couples here go to strip clubs for dates. There are countless runaways, prostitutes just longing for rescue. How can you not see your blessings and count them? YOU MUST be brave and bold. God has instilled within each of us a spirit to unite us to Christ! Find that spirit, believe in who you are, and be a friend to everyone around you. Do you know what will save you when you are down and sad? Christ like People!

Be bold, be believing, and be ever changing to become better. Do not be too hard on yourself if you truly feel you are giving it your all. But if you are giving it your all, make sure you yoke yourselves with Christ. Only that way your burden will be made easy. ONLY through Christ will we gain eternal life. I see so much sadness, so much disgust. There is a world of people caught in a hopeless state. Let us reach out to everyone and bring them to the feet of Jesus.
I boldly testify of the Second coming of Christ. I boldly testify that the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the Lords church restored to the earth with his priesthood power. If you want to learn more about Jesus Christ, and watch movies, and learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ, ask one if it's followers or go to

We where able to Teach a Recent Convert, Bianca. She is amazing and has had such a hard life. our lesson was perfect. We had the best member there to support her, testimonies where shared, comfort given....doctrine taught, personal experiences given. It was just so amazing. I tell you, teaching is the best experience in life! The spirit gives you each word to say, when you are in tune with it, and it is amazing. I look forward to hearing about Eric's miracles. He is amazing. He is such a happy individual and will bring so much peace and happiness and hope into the lives of whom he teaches.

Missionary work provides so many spiritual experiences and eternal friends. One of our recent converts (and my good friend) wrote to me in my journal. "I am seriously so sad you are leaving. Meeting you was definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You have such an amazing spirit. I love hearing your testimony. You have no idea how much of an impact your happiness makes on everyone around you. Even though you are getting transferred we are still going to see each other a million times. When you get home we are going to talk every day. Our friendship is never ending! I love you for forever! You definitely have to call me and update me all the time, plus we must have more random lunch dates. Love, Kathy." Aw she is soo wonderful. I tell you the Spirit is just so amazing, and our Heavenly Father deserves ALL the credit! We are NOTHING, without him! :) Another woman in the ward has adopted me has her new daughter, and one of my best friends out here is Sister Rumel (in her 60s-70s) and she was our last visit yesterday night. My beautiful friend (who eats like I do!) said "Gosh, just what I'm trying to say is, I love you. I will miss you. You are my bud." And she wrote that we are friends just reuniting in this life! I am just so honored to have so many new friends, and the point in sharing with you these things is, not to make myself look good (because I have to change so much), but please just be a friend to EVERYONE around you. Everyone needs a smile and a friend! Only when you are following God will you find and make your new best friends!

Also, most importantly, I have to share with you about how awesome my companion is, Sister Clevenger. She is basically a family member, just born into a different family. She has helped me grown so much this past transfer! she is so amazing. She is so bold, and her faith is so strong. I love her so much and I am so glad that our friendship has grown into a life long fling! We have had the most spiritual experiences of our lives this transfer. We have, TOGETHER, worked our hardest and have given this area our absolute all! We both desire to become better each day, and we are so excited to keep working harder, to raise our goals, and to achieve more for the Lord! It has been AMAZING being her companion. She turns 22 in 2 weeks! I love my new best friend, and am so thankful for her. It has been a fun companionship! We beat each other up , and give each other sass. I will miss her. "

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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